A brand story is more than just a simple anecdote. It embodies the core beliefs and values of your company into a single narrative. Often, it’s about the founding or early history of your company. When done right, it can be a powerful branding tool to connect with your audience on an emotional level and cultivate stronger relationships with customers.
To get you started on the process, here are three simple steps on developing a truly unforgettable brand story.
1. Draw from Real Life
Every company has a story. The hard work often lies in figuring out how to tell that story. In the case of multiple narratives, it’s a matter of figuring out which one to tell. All this is part of brand positioning.
The more personal a story can be, the better. A detailed anecdote about when the company founders prevailed during a time of struggle is something that always peaks reader interest. An account of a client’s particularly deep satisfaction lets readers relate their experiences. An event that sparked an idea or a moment of tension are also inspiring stories to tell. Whatever you choose should be unique to your brand and emblematic of what it stands for. The most unforgettable brand stories often start with a core value that is challenged (but never wavers) throughout a narrative.
It may be necessary to condense certain aspects of a story or cut away excess details. But the more authentic and true-to-life a story can be, the better. Don’t lie or over-embellish. You don’t want something that’s meant to embody the values of your brand to be untruthful. Plus, customers can often spot in-authenticity. They can tell when a company is being genuine versus emotionally manipulative.
Read more: 6 Examples of Genius Brand Storytelling You Have to See
2. Connect with Your Audience
If you plan on sharing your narrative with an audience (and you should!), it’s important to connect its overall purpose with the audience.
Ask yourself:
- Why should a prospective customer care about what they’re reading?
- How does the moral of the narrative affect the service they receive?
- What do they get out reading your story and adopting your values?
Customers aren’t here to read a novel. They’re here to judge whether or not your values and beliefs connect with their own. The best way to prove this is with a thoughtful brand story.
It’s also important to consider what type of audience you want to attract. For example, if you’re targeting eco-minded consumers, then the story should be about the steps your brand takes to preserving the environment. Whatever angle you decide to take, make sure you’re thinking about your audience in every word.
3. Follow through with your new brand story
A powerful, passionate brand story is useless if all it does is gather dust on some hard-to-find page of your website. Once your tale has been written, it’s time to integrate it with the rest of your brand communications.
Share it on social media and mention it on the company blog. Above all else, make sure to embody those values and beliefs in every communication and operation. While the words may be written, you can still help things unfold further in each decision your business makes.
You may have an idea for your brand story in mind. If so, the next step is to implement it. If you’re wondering how to begin – that’s where our team at Soak Creative can help. Our own brand story begins with the way we approach relationships with our clients and how we craft creative solutions. We aim to first understand the core values and history of a brand.
Our team would love to hear from you! We want to share how we can help your company develop a truly unforgettable brand story.