Whether it satisfies us or not, we can’t please everyone. The problem? We always try to.
So many of us constantly try to please as many people as we can, believing that if we do so, they will accept, validate, or love us. This frequently drives us to always try and please others, whilst we sacrifice our own desires and boundaries.
Since many of us human beings manage companies, we’ve picked up a tendency to do this in our business world. It happens in our brand strategy, marketing strategy, and overall business strategy. Entrepreneurs want to chase every single opportunity that comes their way, and appeal to as broad a market as possible.
In today’s world, there’s so much pressure to launch that product or service that appeals to audiences everywhere, especially those that sit outside their strategic goals and core competencies.
It’s now more important than ever, to map out a clear understanding of who your customers are, what makes you unique, and what you can offer them. After all, your offering is your golden key when it comes to thriving.
Let’s talk about the ultimate brand strategy – one that the one and only Steve Jobs lived by.
Why should a Business Focus on their Strength, Service, or Product?
Jobs once told Fortune, “People think focus means saying ‘yes’ to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying ‘no’ to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully.”
When we dive a little deeper, we can see why Apple went from nothing to a $2 trillion company. Yes, you read that right – trillion. Apple is now the most valuable company in the world, but it all had to start somewhere.
Steve Jobs didn’t just give his advice; he lived it. He saw Apple constantly distracted by opportunities. Opportunities may seem innocent, but we often tend to forget the commitments that come with them: energy, time, and money.
Regardless of the size of your company, niche focus will allow your brand strategy to thrive. When you create one thing, one solution, and you establish yourself as an expert – you’ll find that business growth comes ever-so-naturally.
Why do Businesses Struggle to Focus on One Thing?
We’re all guilty of it – taking too many things on at once. It’s our culture; it teaches us to go after opportunities constantly. Sell that new service, publish that new product, because you simply ‘never know’. Our psychology also plays a role in pushing us. The fear of missing out is something powerful. It has the ability to control us because we don’t want somebody else to grab our opportunities.
Now, we know that it seems counterintuitive to shut down presented opportunities. After all, that would be the perfect way to build something great within your business strategy, right? Wrong – turning them down and exchanging them for focus is precisely what you need to do, now more than ever.
When you launch too many products, you no longer specialise in just one thing; you haven’t perfected it. It’s not going to help you get anything done faster but focusing on doing one thing right first will.
Once again, a perfect example of this is Apple. Jobs was fired from Apple but returned when the company was struggling in 1997. His first order of business? Cut. Fast forward to the end of that year, and you’ll find that Jobs killed almost 70 percent of Apple’s products. A year later, the company had gone from losses of $1.04 billion to a $309 million profit.
With this in mind, make sure that before you step on the gas, you ensure that your audience is willing to queue up for hours for the one thing you offer. Only then, can you consider your second act.
Achieving Niche Focus for your brand
With focus as a core tenet, it helps to streamline your mission. You must now work on implementing your niche focus into your brand, business and marketing strategies.
As you grow, you must keep your goal in mind – to create a product that defines you and your brand. Hopefully, one that continues to define you for a lifetime.
Your product line is sure to expand, but never forget that you’re still able to attract people with your hero offering. Every single company out there finds success with a hero offering but they will also eventually expand their brand. Your hero offering is here to give you focus, the supreme opportunity to attempt perfection before you attempt expansion.
Soak Creative – Your Key to Niche Focus
If you’re looking to drive home a message to customers about who you are and what you stand for, the team at Soak Creative can help.
We partner with our clients to help build brand awareness, engage with customers and help increase revenue. Incredible creative services are just a phone call away, get in touch with our team today.