
7 Cracking Marketing Tips for the Festive Season

Here are our 7 cracking marketing tips for this festive season, that will help you sleigh the Christmas season.

Ah 2023, what a year. Right? Due to a massive shift in consumer behaviour post pandemic, your goal now is to ensure that your digital marketing strategy is fully adjusted, up to date, and ready to show off your business to the world. Ready to get started? Let’s do this!

Consumer Behaviour Trends

In order to figure out how to succeed in digital marketing, we first need to educate ourselves on previous consumer behaviour trends. Now, we know that this year is different from others, but by getting a general idea of how the public behaves, we’re able to identify opportunities for growth.

You don’t have to be a genius to know that every single business aims to capitalize during the festive season, but with so much digital marketing noise taking place at the same time, how do you ensure that your target audience will find you when they need you most? Well, tapping into their mindset is a great place to start.

During this joyful season, so many people are under pressure with gifts to buy, and a limited time to buy them. Let’s look at some statistics that show us how they are shopping, and how they’re using their phones to complete their Christmas to-do lists.

Ironically enough, Google has actually identified this year as the year of the ‘super shopper’. This means that due to the pandemic, savvy consumers are now embracing mobile shopping more and more, and are open to new brands and products making their way into their lives. The takeaway? Christmas digital marketing is more powerful than ever.

‘Soak’ In Our Christmas Digital Marketing Tips!

Whether or not you understood the pun is irrelevant because right now, it’s time for some top tips from the best Digital Marketing Agency in Brisbane! Our one and only goal is to get you through Christmas and on your way to becoming a true digital marketing genius.

So, without further ado, coming up are 8 of the best Christmas digital marketing tips that when done right, will push you to a world of success.

1. Plan, Plan, Plan!

If you haven’t started preparing your Christmas digital marketing campaign yet, then what are you waiting for?! It’s December! Every single person out there is massively in need of something to look forward to right now, so why not start building the hype and make your products the thing they look forward to?

Make sure to take into consideration the message you’d like to send, the resources you’ll need, and the series of actions you’ll need to do to achieve everything you set out to.

2. Let the Power of the Festivities & Generosity Glow

It’s all about Christmas right now and your followers want to know that you know that. Got it? Good.

Ensure that you show festive spirit through posting fun Christmas photos, and plaster festivities all over your social media pages. You should also build brand awareness through the power of giving. Run a ‘12 days of Christmas’ competition and show your followers just how much you care about them, and how generous your business is.

3. Get Emotional

Hot chocolates, sitting next to a warm fire, watching Christmas movies with your loved ones = heaven. Let’s face it, one of the best ways to get people in the holiday spirit, increase engagement, and spike sales, is to release emotional campaigns and pull on heartstrings.

Here’s an article to help give you some great examples of what we mean, and some much-needed inspiration.

4. Are You SEO Ready?

Again, yes, this year is different. However, it’s still important to understand the previous year’s search word trends within Christmas digital marketing. If your website SEO is already optimized for keywords, you don’t necessarily have to overthink your strategy for leveraging holiday-specific keywords. You can use what you already have, but you should also try and add timely holiday consumer-related phrases, keywords like:

  • Holiday Gifts 2023
  • Christmas Gifts 2023
  • Festive Shopping 2023

5. Offer Gift Wrapping & Gift Boxes

If you have customers that are last-minute gift buyers, then this service is likely to benefit them greatly (and will benefit your business). Believe it or not, as simple as this might be, it should be a big part of your Christmas digital marketing strategy.

A vital part of boosting brand awareness is to offer multiple ways to solve consumer problems. Plus, nobody likes gift wrapping! Especially when you’re terrible at it. Tell your customers to leave it to you (the pro’s). Use social media to show them how beautiful your gift wrapping is and just how magical it looks under the tree!

6. Incorporate the Beauty of Giving

We mentioned generosity in point number 2. But, there are two types of giving when it comes to digital marketing. The first, competitions, giveaways (everything we mentioned earlier). The second? Real giving. By that, we mean something that could actually make a difference in someone’s life.

At the end of the day, your business has a social responsibility. You should contribute to charities that mean something to you or your customers regularly, not just as a way to show off at Christmas. However, since Christmas is known as ‘the time of giving’, then you should definitely use this as an opportunity to show off all the good your business has done in the world within the past year, and maybe even push your own customers to help out.

7. Are You Prepared to Handle Online Orders?

If you have listened and already applied everything we’ve told you in this article, then you should already be experiencing a high surge of orders.

What? It’s true! The information that comes from our geniuses at the Soak digital marketing agency is not to be taken for granted!

Seriously though, if you make use of all of our tips, then you should be prepared to receive a lot of incoming traffic on your website. It’s vital to make sure that it’s ready to handle such an influx of shoppers in order to not let anybody down. Remember, the goal is to keep people coming back year on year.

Final Thoughts

Here at Soak, we know that this time of year can be stressful for everybody, especially during the pandemic, and for businesses trying to meet the high demand that the festive season brings.

If you don’t have the time, or you simply just don’t find yourself ‘tech-savvy’, then feel free to get in touch with our digital marketing Brisbane experts directly. We thrive in making every single business that’s worked with us in the past be noticed, remembered, and cared about by their target audience. Contact us today so we can do the same for you.

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