
How to design an effective Landing Page

Whether it’s a new boss, a first date or your website’s landing page – first impressions matter. What can you do to make your company’s landing page great?

Your landing page is your customer’s initial contact with your website; not only does it set the tone of your online presence, but it also communicates whether the service or product you are offering is what an individual is searching for or not.

When it comes to browsing your site, users are not forgiving. But how long does the average web visitor stick around? There’s a whole range of data to answer this, but all of it boils down to one simple fact: not very long.

According to Google, one-third of smartphone users quickly leave a site if it doesn’t immediately fulfil what they were looking for. Your landing page doesn’t have an eternity to engage a visitor, so first impressions count.

If you apply these six elements of design to your landing page, your website doesn’t have to become another victim to a bad bounce rate.

1. Minimalism is your new best friend

You’ve probably encountered your fair share of cluttered websites, over-crowded with competing information. How long did you stay on those pages? Not very long.

People don’t like to work for information and they definitely won’t stick around to decipher a confusing website; they’ll take their business elsewhere.

An effective landing page should provide all the essential content needed to encourage visitors to convert, but nothing more. Keep it simple. When it comes to both design and messaging, minimalism should be your new best friend.

Consider what key information you need to place front and centre. Whatever is above the fold will be within the visitors’ direct line of vision, so don’t take this prime real estate for granted. This space should provide enough context to stand alone, but also encourage your viewer to delve deeper. Most people will know to scroll for more information, so don’t be afraid to add more description below the fold.

2. Keep your website copy clear

Your text should be both succinct and compelling, clear but also concise. It’s a tricky balance strike, but when more than half of website victors only stick around for fifteen seconds or less, you don’t have time to waffle.

Your copy should be a marriage of aspiration and function. This means using easy to understand language that still captures the tone of your company.

Are you playful and light-hearted or serious and sophisticated? Then write that way. Imagine your company is a person; how would they speak? But don’t get carried away. Make sure that your copy is still clear and concise.

Here are some inspiring content ideas for your website

3. Use bold imagery

We’ve all heard the saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’, and in our digital and visually-literate age, this saying has never been truer.

Your landing page should let attention-grabbing imagery speak for you. Steer clear of outdated stock images, these send the wrong signal that your company is outmoded and amateur. Similarly, nothing discredits the professionalism of a website like images with low resolution, so make sure that your imagery has been optimised for web use.

4. Build Credibility

The key to healthy relationships also happens to be the key to generating leads: building trust. There’s a multitude of ways to build trust and credibility with website visitors; these methods are also known as “trust signals”. Anything that helps convince a potential client of your brand’s dependability is a trust signal.

Testimonials are a common form of trust signal. They capitalise on the power of word-of-mouth from past clients or customers to reassure your visitors.

A more subtle form of trust signalling is the use of “Like” counters. These effectively communicate that your product or company is known and well received. However, counters can only be used if your company already has an active social media presence with reasonable figures.

Trust badges are also another powerful tool to create credibility. Trust badges can take the form of well-known brands your business has dealt with, endorsements you’ve received, groups you are a part of, or awards your company has won.

Web Design Brisbane Trust Badges

Consider the placement of these badges. Trust signals should be below the fold after your product or service has been pitched.

5. Mobile friendly is user-friendly

Did you know that in 2019 more than half of website visitors are browsing on smartphone devices? If your landing page isn’t mobile user-friendly, you are effectively ruling out half of your potential enquiries, sales or leads. No company can afford that.

Even if your landing page is viewable on smartphone devices, you also need to consider the alignment of your page’s layout. This is where a bit of help from the web design experts can come in. If you’re struggling to design a landing page that’s suitable for smartphones, contact our Brisbane web development team at Soak Creative.

6. Don’t forget a call to action!

Your call to action should be unmistakable. Use contrasting colours that still tie into your colour scheme. This should be complemented by an action statement (for instance, “enquire now”, “start your journey” or “call now”). These statements should inspire an active response.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”30px”][vc_column_text]

Transform your Landing Page today!

At Soak Creative, we know that first impressions matter, so make yours a lasting one with an effective and engaging landing page. If your company is struggling with bad bounce rates, our web design experts are here to help.

Contact us today to start generating leads and leave a lasting impression.

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